Deprecated GTK Function Replacements

Ethan Blanton elb at
Wed Jul 8 13:49:50 EDT 2015

Michael McConville spake unto us the following wisdom:
> > > > Actually, let me qualify that -- I think this should be
> > > > pidgin_label_set_alignment, not gtk_label_set_alignment.  But that's a
> > > > small detail.
> > > 
> > > On the one hand, this one is not a strict one-to-one compatibility
> > > function, but on the other hand, everything in gtk3compat.h is not
> > > intended to be public.
> > 
> > Yeah, I was going off of gtk_grid_attach_defaults() and
> > gtk_grid_attach_full(), which are defined in pidgin/gtk3compat.h and
> > don't seem to be existing GTK functions. I can change their names to
> > pidgin_* too. Objections?
> To clarify, I think changing them to pidgin_* is a good idea so that
> people don't go looking for them in the GTK API docs.

Agreed.  If there is no existing Gtk+ function of that name that the
function replaces substantially compatibly, it should be named


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