Trac Migration

dequis dx at
Wed Sep 2 08:36:12 EDT 2020

On Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 03:06, Gary Kramlich <grim at> wrote:
> On 9/1/20 9:09 AM, dequis wrote:
> > Oh hey, awesome! I gotta say I haven't been paying attention, so this
> > is a bit of a pleasant surprise.
> It's been in the works for awhile, but yeah I'm very happy that it's
> finally coming to a conclusion.
> > For bitlbee we're also using trac and we're also very unhappy with it,
> > and have no one to do the required sysadmin work. From time to time we
> > get users on irc complaining about not being able to submit issues at
> > all because the captcha is broken.
> >
> > So, hell yeah, I want in. I don't even care if the migration mangles
> > things. Literally anything that can accept tickets is an improvement
> > here.
> >
> > - What would it take for us to move our trac instance to this?
> > - Do I need some sort of admin-level access in the youtrack instance?
> > - Should I just send you a tarball of the trac environment?
> So the importing tool (that I wrote) needs to be ran by a youtrack
> admin.  We have a separate admin account for these things on
>  So to move your trac to this, I would
> prefer if I was the one running it (just to make sure there's no issues,
> etc).
> That said, the tool is designed to run against the trac instance itself,
> in that it needs the trac environment and the database instance.  This
> doesn't have to be production, but that is how I'm planing to migrate
> Pidgin's trac.  Currently I'm working off of a trac backup as well as a
> database backup.

Yeah I figured this out a while after sending the email.

I got a copy of the import tool, a backup of our trac, and set up an
instance of youtrack on docker locally, then started running it.

It needed a few tweaks to actually work, but it reaches the end of the
process, now I just need to manually review the results.

Main change is that we use sqlite instead of postgres, so I can just
send you the whole thing as a tarball later.

Worth noting that the latest version of youtrack, 2020.3.6638, fails
with some java exception when importing the first issue. Something
about a non-null field being null, not mentioning which field, and
"jetbrains.youtrack.gaprest.db.util.HelpersKt.fromXdEntity". I forgot
to copy the error message.

2020.2.10643 (same as your instance) works fine.

> Here's the caveats though... This does not do anything at all with the
> trac wiki.  Recently youtrack added a "knowledgebase" but I haven't yet
> looked at it.

That's fine. We don't use trac's wiki and we're okay with our other
wiki (moinmoin, it's not pretty but has no spam problems and I don't
hate it)

> Also, I'm sure you trac has acquired a lot of spam and defunct accounts.
>  The Pidgin trac has something like 20,000 accounts, we're obviously not
> importing all of them, which is why it's only currently active Pidgin
> developers, and if anyone else wants me to migrate them explicitly.
> That said, the accounts are all managed by
> which we prefer users use oauth to create their accounts but can link
> all of them together.  This way it's single sign-on and there's 2fa,
> password resetting etc.

Yeah that's the other main difference. We have no account
registration, it's anonymous only. That's the reason the captchas were
such a problem for us. I'm okay with losing that feature.

Because we're primarily anonymous, I'd still like to modify the
importer to add authorship information to ghosts, something like a
line that says "(migrated from trac, original author: dx)". I think
pidgin's tracker could benefit from that too.

> > Wilmer also gave me the OK and is similarly happy about the idea.
> Cool, so hit me up somewhere and we can work on the finer points.  I'll
> go ahead an get a bitlbee group setup in hub, but let me know who should
> be part of the team and what kind of access they should have.

For starters just dx and wilmer as whatever the equivalent of project admins is.

I'll assemble the users.json later based on trac activity.

> I'm assuming you don't need code hosting?  However we do also have a
> prosody server running for pidgin developers and imfreedom members and
> we can add a vhost for bitlebee there as well.  Lots of this needs to be
> documented, but time has been in short supply lately.

Nah we're fine, we're using github for code but wilmer doesn't let me
enable the github issue tracker so here we are. Something along the
lines of having ethical principles probably.

Also no need for XMPP, we're irc people.

> Thanks,

Thanks to you for putting the work on this and the migration tool!

BTW, what's our equivalent of pull requests these days?

> --
> Gary Kramlich <grim at>

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