new version: eye candy showing that other person is typing

062126s at 062126s at
Wed Aug 13 16:29:50 EDT 2008

Hello, I've been using Gaim and now Pidgin for a long time. It is a  
great alternative to microtrash's software. I just had a small point.

This is certainly not a big deal, but I find the new in-line (in the  
message box) message that the other person is typing much more  
intrusive then the little circle of dots in the upper right corner  
that showed the same in the older version. Could there be a way to  
either turn of this feature or toggle back to the old style?

Otherwise, great work.

I look forward to the cam implementation when ever it happens.


ps: I have never posted before, so not sure if this is the correct  
venue ... if not, I apologize in advance.

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