Remove Buddy problem

David Woolley forums at
Sun Oct 18 15:45:33 EDT 2009

SWebster wrote:
> 1    I have been trying to remove a buddy but each time I click on 
> Remove, I get a message showing I have been disconnected from the 
> server. Not sure which server they are talking about because I have a 
> stand alone computer.

Yahoo's instant messaging server.

You are going to need to provide the debug log output (copied as text), 
as well as the version of Pidgin and of your OS.  You will probably also 
need to say how this not so standalone machine is connected to the internet.

David Woolley
Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.

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