Fwd: face book chat on pidgin

Amber Gordy ambergordy216 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 21:00:57 EST 2011

Never mind I fixed it... It was a slight typo..... sorry about that...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amber Gordy <ambergordy216 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 8:51 PM
Subject: Re: face book chat on pidgin
To: support at pidgin.im

sorry it is 5222 I forgot a 2.... and yes I have a username.... It worked
before just all of a sudden stopped working and giving me this message... I
don't know why nothing changed.... Then I updated the program to see if that
would fix it. And it didn't... so I am not sure what the deal is.... Any
other ideas

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Dagobert Duck <dagobertduck at vodafone.de>wrote:

>  Am 25.02.2011 01:52, schrieb Amber Gordy:
> This is the error I get when trying to add facebook to my pidgin....
>  Plaintext Authentication
>  ambergordy216 at chat.facebook.com/ may require plaintext authentication
> over an unencrypted connection.  Allow this and continue authentication?
>  when I click yes it says denied...
>  When I click no it just disables it...
>  I am using *Pidgin 2.7.9* (libpurple 2.7.9)
>  face book settings
> xmpp
>  username: my username
> domain: chat.facebook.com
> resource: blank
> password: my password
>  under advanced.
>  use encryption if available
> I have tried this part several ways...
> unclick
> Plaintext Authentication
> and clicked it.
>  neither works
> connect port 522
> connect server is blank
> file transfer proxies: proxy.eu.jabber.org
>  Under Proxy tab: use global proxy settings
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> *The connection port is usually 5222 not 522*. Just to avoid this problem,
> I've to mention, that you need a real username for logging in via a client.
> This username has to be obtained by verifying your account. It is not
> identical to your login name and does not include an @ But I guess, your are
> already in possession of such a username, at least, that is what I can tell
> looking at this here >> "ambergordy216 at chat.facebook.com/ may require
> ...."
> Regards,
> D.D.
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