Message length

Neko . were_cat3 at
Fri Jan 28 16:48:35 EST 2011


Don’t know how else to contact Pidgin tech about this, so here I am. I’m writing in regards to the message length of IMs for Pidgin. This is more of a feedback suggestion for a future release than a bug, although it is very annoying. Pidgin is the only IM system I know of that will allow you to type and type and type and type without ever stopping you to say “hey, that’s too long, cant send it”. MSN/Windows Live, Yahoo!, AIM... they all stop accepting characters once you hit the max amount that they allow – for MSN its 400 characters, for Yahoo! I believe it’s a bit more, like 500 or so. Pidgin, however, just keeps right on going, and instead of not sending it at all and showing a “message is too long” error, it ACTS like its going to send it but then doesn’t and gives the error. This is very annoying because then I have to turn around and retype everything I just wrote and hope I remember everything I wanted to say in the first place.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider this for your next update. Thanks!
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