Error message in Pidgin

David Woolley forums at
Thu Mar 1 17:54:17 EST 2012

Erdy Barlahan wrote:

> Users click on "accept" button, and can continue using Pidgin.

Unfortunately very few people really care about security!

> How do I renew a self signed cert, which expired yesterday? I can't find 

This is not a Pidgin question, it is something that has to be done on 
the server.

I'm not sure you can actually renew a certificate and have it treated as 
the same trusted one, but even if you can, you shouldn't as one of the 
reasons for giving finite lives to certificates is the longer they are 
in use the more chance that someone will have cracked the key.  You 
should create a new certificate (and distribute it, or at least its key 
fingerprint, by secure means that don't rely on the certificate).

> the CA or the certificate. If possible, how can I renew the cert via 
> Open Fire Management Console v3.4.2. thanks!

I am pretty sure that Open Fire Management Console has nothing to do 
with Pidgin.

David Woolley
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