Pidgin status incorrect

Kevin Stange kevin at
Thu Jun 4 01:16:08 EDT 2015

On 06/02/2015 03:13 PM, Mark Riesenberger wrote:
> Dear Michael,
> All the clients experiencing this issue deny having any other instance of Pidgin running---only one device using Pidgin. What other options? Is there a cache file that I can delete? It's a Windows 7 Ultimate laptop.

Do you know if the XMPP server being used is Openfire?  There is a known
issue which causes exactly the behavior you have described:

This issue exists in 3.9.2 and 3.9.3, and downgrading the server to
3.9.1 or upgrading it to 3.10.0 is supposed to resolve it.  However,
there is another major problem with 3.10.0 and I wouldn't recommend
upgrading until 3.10.1 is released.


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