[Pidgin] #10216: Buddy List Themes' blist color not changing background color

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Fri Sep 4 14:23:51 EDT 2009

#10216: Buddy List Themes' blist color not changing background color
Reporter:  nmelnick  |        Type:  defect      
  Status:  new       |   Component:  pidgin (gtk)
 Version:  2.6.1     |    Keywords:              
 Vanilla installation of Pidgin 2.6.1/libpurple 2.6.1
 Windows 7 build 7600, x64 edition

 I created a custom buddy list theme based on the information in
 BuddyListThemes. Everything seems to work well, except for the blist
 directive. According to the documentation, the following snippet will turn
 the entire buddy list background to #282828.

 <blist color="#282828" />

 This doesn't seem to work in Pidgin 2.6.1. The contact_text element turns
 each buddy's background color correctly, but the rest of the list comes up
 white. Since #3594's third party solution doesn't work in win32, and #7363
 was categorized and forgotten, this is just a visual annoyance more than
 anything, but without a workaround.

 Enclosed is my .theme file, but no patch, as I'm not even close to sure
 where to start. I do not know if this happens in Linux.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/10216>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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