Hello All

Paras Nath Chaudhary opnchaudhary at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 06:42:49 EDT 2012

Hello All,
My Name is Paras Nath Chaudhary from Nepal and I am very interested in
Localization, I have been in Fedora[Hindi] Localization Team and also
in Django[Hindi/Nepali] Localization Team.
For my self being a pidgin user, I thought of localizing pidgin in
Nepali. For the same case I wanted to join the Nepali team of Pidgin
Localization in transifex. But for no team was there I wanted to take
over the lead but for being unsubscribed I was unable to do so.

Well I would like hear from any one doing Nepali Translation of Pidgin
to join the team too.

Thanking you in advance.

Paras Nath Chaudhary
opnchaudhary at gmail.com

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