pidgin.pot for 2.x.y branch - strings 174 & 175

TSK! | KNTRO (MindBuildingx/1.75 Greenwich) (Darktech/4.75 Gibraltar kompliant) tskuhn at
Sat May 24 07:34:45 EDT 2014

Hi all!

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag at> wrote:

> I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is the reason for a
> separate locale for Argentinian Spanish?

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 2:35 PM, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <
jfs at> wrote:

> If you are going to work in a Spanish locale, shouldn't it be best if you
> based you translation on the existing Spanish translation.
> I think It might be easier to maintain a diff to the existing translation
> than to
> start up a translation from scratch.

Piotr & Javier,

Basically there's 2 reasons: First, the Pidgin's *es* locale is a mess, no
offense. Secondly, *es_AR* is very different from any other Spanish locale.

So this is the story: if one would be somebody that doesn't understand a
bit about Spanish language stuff, I'd begin telling that buddy there's
basically 2 different Spanish "branches", let's say — The Spaniard and the
Latin American one. Spanish (Spain) has a different treatment, as in speech
as in texts. This different treatment is bigger in informal ways, as in
formal modes differences are less. So, I'm assuming you ask people to
localize Pidgin in an informal/familiar way, not pure slang nor totally
serious & polite, right? If that's correct, so, yes, differences between
Europe's Spanish & Latin America's Spanish are big. That's not the end of
story though.

Now let's zoom in Spanish speaking Latin America only. There's a few
differences between Mexico's Spanish and all the way down till Bolivia.
However when you are in Argentina, all the Spanish you have learned is less
than useless.  Argentine Spanish has a different way of conjugating verbs
and subject pronouns change as well [*tú* & *vosotros* are Spanish (Spain)
for *you* —second person, singular & plural pronouns respectively—, while
*vos* & *ustedes* are Spanish (Argentina) for *you* —second person,
singular & plural pronouns respectively—. From that point on everything
changes, as actions have a different spelling. For instance: *You think* is *Tú
piensas* in Spain & most Latin American countries, but in Argentina it's *Vos
pensás*. This is just a silly example — diffs are deeper: Spanish
(Argentina) has a lot of slang within itself. And this is something
inescapable, it's part of the Argentine Spanish and its own roots. You will
want to have a look <> at *¡Che, boludo!*
book<>if interested to know more about Argentina's

About other free software / open source projects' translations, actually
all Mozilla's products have their own es-AR locale — I'm the Mozilla's
es-AR Team <> QA Leader.

As Pidgin as Mozilla's products are a step forward from other languages
projects— They are more about locales than just "translations". Let's take
a look at Pidgin's case: 3 English locales —Australian, British &
Canadian—, 2 Portuguese locales —European & Brazilian— & 3 Chinese locales
—Simplified, Traditional & Hong Kong's. I'm even missing a SouthAfrican
English locale as well as an Indian English one. [?]

So why not another Spanish locale, being Spanish the 3rd most used language
in Internet <>? Also, Spanish will
be likely the next universal language in the near future, just like English
is today. And localization is the future of translations — I'm pretty sure
of these.

I can handle this, as I've already finished locales from a few websites
—Netvibes,, Lookr— and some other software —AIMP and a bunch
of add-ons for both Mozilla Firefox & Mozilla Thunderbird—. Anyway I've
already told Richard I can finish the *es* locale if its original author
agrees — The *es* locale is just a bit outdated/incomplete and I'd do the
remaining strings in a sort of "generic Spanish" rather than in an
Argentine way. I won't lie to you — I don't like the Pidgin's current
*es*locale, but I will respect the way its author did the job.

I'd speak more deeply but I think Ethan's words are very much wise than all
I can say — It's dead clear he's got a huge experience and he knows this
universe much better than I do.

If any of you still has questions, we can keep these "thoughts exchange",
if wished.

Sorry for being offtopic — Original subject is about these 2 strings in the
Pidgin's 2.x.y branch. BTW, I've localized 12% of it so far.

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Richard Laager <rlaager at> wrote:

> On Thu, 2014-05-22 at 22:28 -0300, TSK! | KNTRO (MindBuildingx/1.75
> Greenwich) (Darktech/4.75 Gibraltar kompliant) wrote:
> > In both cases says See '/help msgcolor' but the string 174 it's about
> > valid message class, not about valid colors. Is string 174 correct?
> Yes, the help text for msgcolor covers both classes and colors.
> Apparently the msgcolor command sets a particular color for a particular
> class of messages. (I don't use Finch, but I looked at the source code a
> bit to answer your question.)


So should I consider this a bug and file a ticket or shouldn't I?

Thank ALL!
*TSK! | KNTRO (MindBuildingx/1.75 Greenwich) (Darktech/4.75 Gibraltar
*Ante la necesidad vulgar de una moraleja, puedo decir que siempre es
preferible el que mata por despecho al que mata por ideología. Los meros
criminales pueden arrepentirse, los que matan en nombre de unas
convicciones son irredimibles. Un malandra es menos peligroso que un
*— Alejandro Dolina.*
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